Day 2 Week I

–2:34 AM–

Alright folks so today a very quick and brief post because I am dead tired and barely able to keep my eyes open. I have been staring at a laptop screen for a little over 2 hrs now.

I am walking my very first steps in learning all about calorie content in different kinds of foods and caloric experditure in different activities. The more I read the more I realize I have a whole lot new perspective to be opened ahead of me and I couldn’t be more excited but I am still feeling overwhelmed.

I am using an Iphone app called tap and track to count my caloric intake and expenditure throughout the day. You see I have learnt that if I couldn’t bother to write it down, or in my case input data on my Iphone, then I’m still not really serious to do it and for that particular reason I am still up writing this post. I made a commitment and I’d die before I break it period!

Getting to numbers I created a caloric deficit of above 1000 calories, it wasn’t exactly what I opted for but I was too skeptical about what I am eating. I know I’ll build up my knowledge with time so that my calorie deficit wouldn’t exceed 500 calories at best. My goal is to lose fat but never to sacrifice any lean body mass.

One thing worth mentioning is that my brother, Muhammed, joined us today in the resort and it’s worth mentioning that he is in a way better shape than myself and has taken up a special liking to outdoor cardio activities specially biking or mountain biking to be specific. I used this as a motivation and took him out for a ride on asphalt and we hit 13 KMs. He still had power to go but I was sweating like crazy.

All in all I did 30 Kms of cycling, 30 minutes sea swimming and another half an hour tetherballing.

Great day for me. I can’t wait for tomorrow.

That’s it for today, have a peaceful night.


Ahmed Seif

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