Week II progress

–2:25 AM–

Great day to you’ll!

Second milestone of my transformation and I excitement rises and I can’t exclude being anxious too I’m tempted to weigh myself whenever I see the scale in my room but I resist the temptation. Last thing I want is developing some paranoia about weighing myself. Many people consider the scale their best friend when it comes to losing weight but in my opinion this is far from the truth specially if you’ve just started working out, dieting or both for that matter.

Okay picture time, drum rolls please!

Week II progress side

Week II progress front












I know I know still way too long till I get to where I know I should be at specially that my aspiration ISN’T just looking fit, I want to look like a fitness model. It’s just what the heart wants you know.

Anyways the scale was rather depressing for me. YES I’m aware that the scale is deluding specially at first but you just can’t help feeling down when you don’t see what you wanted to see. So without unnecessary elongation here are my numbers

  • DATE                                              18th July 2012                                     24th July 2012
  • BODY WEIGHT                             86.2 Kg                                              87.1 kg
  • BODY FAT %                                   30.4%                                                 31.1%
  • WATER CONTENT %                   50.7 %                                               50.1%

As you can see the numbers are rather disappointing to say the least. I spent the entire morning analyzing the numbers. My input is this; I look thinner, I feel stronger but according to the scale I’m only getting fatter.

After long thinking I decided to just wait and wait until I have sufficient numbers in terms of number of weeks that I can act upon. For the time being I’ll keep my training regime only I’ll be adding some ab pilates, in Ramadan I don’t have set menus and I’m not counting calories but I’m eating healthy in addition to splitting meals and downsizing portions not to mention cutting down simple carbs.

Now let’s take a look at the difference between this week and the past in terms of pictures

Week II progress side

Week I progress side












That’s pretty much it. Until next week. Stay strong and keeping pursing what you sat out for.


Ahmed Seif

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